For clients who have received a welcome email and created an account password.
Using Our Therapy Portal
Our Therapy Portal is a convenient way for our existing clients to access their appointments, message our team, pay their balances, or complete important documents.
For clients who have received a welcome email and created an account password.
For clients who need to create an account, or are still having trouble accessing it.
Creating Your Account
New clients need to call or email the office so that we can send a welcome email. Once you receive the invitation below, click the link and create your account. You need to provide your birthday, email, and a strong password.

Logging In
You can access your account at any time. To log in, you must provide your email and password.
We suggest bookmarking the portal website for easy access.

Account Homepage
A successful login brings you to your homepage. Here you can see items that need your attention and your upcoming appointments.
You can also access more information about appointments, documents, or billing by clicking the appropriate tab on the top right of the page.
Clicking on the "Appointments" tab allows you to manage upcoming appointments. You can see what appointments are on schedule and make cancelations. To request an appointment, you can contact your therapist directly or call our office.